“Opportunity does not waste time with those who are unprepared.”
― Idowu Koyenikan
Beginning in January of this year President Joe Biden, signed new legislation that put in place a National Emphasis Program (NEP) that is concerning workplace policies and procedures when dealing with SARS-CoV-2, which we all know as the cause of the novel Coronavirus disease. This means that every operating business is liable to inspection by an OSHA compliance task force.
What is the Goal of the Task Force?
OSHA’s goal is to target establishments that have “workers with increased potential exposure to this hazard, and that puts the largest number of workers at serious risk.” Another focus of the NEP is an added focus on the Whistleblower Protection Program that helps keep workers safe from being retaliated against for reporting poor conditions. They will also be stopping by facilities and businesses that have had high numbers relating to Covid-19 and those who have had public inquiries or community concerns, with a higher frequency than those who have a clean track record and less negative data.
Programmed and Un-programmed Inspections
OSHA will be referring to past data and they will also be performing their typical programmed visits as well as increased un-programmed (unscheduled) drop in visits to specifically view and document what precautions and protocols have been put into place to help keep employees, contractors, and customers safe from Covid-19. The good news is that you have now been informed, and you are now able to act.
HAZCOM Planning
Having written HAZCOM plans and eradicating equipment along with proper disinfecting solutions are imperative for OSHA compliance. Failing an inspection leads to public notice that you have failed and why, as well as a hefty fine that can total upwards of $13,000. You will also have to prepare for follow up visits which OSHA is well known for. If they find more signs of neglect, then they will issue steeper fines upon further inspection. If you find yourself in this situation and you find yourself needing assistance, fear not, because Safety Net America is here to help you stay compliant.
From Zero to Hero, Becoming an Industry Leader
We are familiar with OSHA’s operating procedures, and we can help you beat the system and avoid further inspections and penalties. The best way to keep OSHA out of your facilities is to be proactive and be prepared to act fast when you need to. Safety Net will consult with Safety Managers, Workplace Coordinators, Risk-Assessment persons etc., to tailor a plan and help to fill in the gaps of your infection control and prevention protocol.
In addition, we will fulfill everything you need for compliancy which in turn will ensure preparedness for an un-programmed visit by OSHA. From UV technology, Electrostatic Sprayers, Air Purification devices, as well as emergency service capabilities, we have what you need to ensure a proper HAZCOM plan and help boost you to an industry leader in Workplace Health & Safety.
About the Author
Chris Wolf is an account manager with Safety Net and has been with the company since 2019.