AquaOx™️ Mixed Oxidant Water (MOW-2) Generator
The AquaOx™️ Mixed Oxidant Water Generator (MOW-2) utilizes proprietary electrolytic cell technology for producing on-site a MOW solution that contains a mixture of chlorine-oxygen compounds.
A durable, efficient, self-cleaning, on-site generator that produces cost-effective, Mixed Oxidant Water solutions for disinfecting water distribution treatment systems.
Protect Your Water Systems
By controlling the dosing rate, pathogens/biofilm can be removed with very favorable effect on water quality. Over time, 5 ppm HOCL added to irrigation systems will remove pathogens and deposits of biofilm/bioslime. HOCL additionally eliminates waterborne bacteria, improves overall water quality, extends system and equipment life, and improves overall system performance.
Yield Enrichment
AX5000 destroys and prevents all mites, fungus, mold and powdery mildew, leaves no chemical residue on the plants and does not harm the plants in any fashion. Allowing the plants to uptake more nutrients and oxygen, encouraging helpful soil microbes and increases the abundance of measurable nutrients and overall health of the plants.
Request More Information
Purify water the natural and effective way. Get started with your water purification procedures with the MOW.

Proprietary Protection
AQUAOX™ generators have been designed and developed using innovative and unique technologies to effectively generate Electrochemical Activated (ECA) solutions. The applications for this technology are countless and include any processes that require sterilizing, disinfecting, cleaning, or water purification.
Eliminate Harmful Microbes
The initial treatment of a water system with undiluted MOW solution will eradicate pathogens and Biofilm within a short period of time. Continuous low doses of MOW not only clears the water of pathogens, but more importantly prevents growth of biofilm in piping systems that typically harbor these pesky microbes.
No matter if you’re a farmer, cannabis grower, a pool owner, a hospital, or any other type of organization that uses water, AquaOx™️ MOW provides a solution for pure water. Eliminating harmful bacteria and allowing the healthy ones to thrive.
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